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CPD Training

Advance Your Expertise with Tailored Learning Opportunities

At Entra TECH, we understand the importance of lifelong learning and have curated a comprehensive range of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programs tailored to meet the dynamic needs of the modern tech workforce.

CPD Training
CPD Training

Top Features of Our CPD Training Include


Industry-Relevant Curriculum – Our CPD courses are meticulously designed to equip you with the latest knowledge, skills, and best practices, ensuring you remain competitive in your respective field.

Flexible Learning Modes – Choose from a variety of learning formats, including classroom-based training, online courses, and blended learning options, to suit your preference and schedule.

Accredited Certifications – Enhance your credibility by earning industry-recognized certifications upon successful completion of our CPD programs.

Experienced Instructors – Learn from subject matter experts who bring real-world experiences and insights to the virtual or physical classroom, ensuring a practical and engaging learning experience.

Personalized Career Guidance – Our dedicated career counsellors work closely with you to understand your professional goals and recommend the most suitable CPD programs to help you achieve them.

Why Choose Entra TECH for CPD Training?


Microsoft Partnership – As a Microsoft Partner, we offer cutting-edge CPD programs aligned with the latest Microsoft technologies and industry best practices.

Comprehensive Course Offerings – Our extensive range of CPD programs covers a wide array of topics, from technical skills to soft skills, catering to professionals across various industries and career stages.

Proven Track Record – With years of experience in delivering high-quality training, Entra TECH has established a reputation for excellence in the CPD domain, trusted by numerous organisations and individuals.

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