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Medical Centres

Seamless Technology for Superior Patient Care

In today's healthcare landscape, efficient and secure technology solutions enable medical centres to provide exceptional patient care. At Entra TECH, we understand the unique IT requirements of the healthcare industry and offer solutions to help your practice thrive.

Medical Centres
Medical Centres

Our IT Services for Medical Centers Include


Electronic Health Records (EHR) Solutions – Secure and user-friendly EHR systems that streamline patient data management, enhance collaboration among healthcare providers, and ensure compliance with industry regulations.

Practice Management Software – Integrated software solutions designed to optimise medical practice operations, including scheduling, billing, claims management, and revenue cycle management.

Telehealth and Remote Patient Monitoring – Cutting-edge telehealth platforms and remote monitoring technologies that facilitate virtual consultations, improve patient engagement, and enhance continuity of care.

Cybersecurity and Data Protection – Robust security measures, including firewalls, encryption, and regular backups, to safeguard sensitive patient data and ensure compliance with privacy and data protection regulations.

IT Infrastructure and Cloud Solutions – Reliable and scalable IT infrastructure, including cloud computing and virtualization, to support your practice’s growing needs and enable seamless access to data and applications.

Why Choose Entra TECH’s IT Services for Your Medical Centre?


Healthcare Industry Expertise – Our team has in-depth knowledge of the healthcare industry’s unique requirements, regulations, and best practices, ensuring tailored solutions that meet your practice’s specific needs.

Cutting-Edge Technology – We stay ahead of the curve, continuously updating our offerings with the latest healthcare IT advancements to provide you with a competitive edge and enhance patient care.

Compliance and Data Security – Our solutions prioritise data security and compliance with industry regulations, such as HIPAA and Privacy Act, ensuring the protection of sensitive patient information.

Reliable Support and Maintenance – Our proactive monitoring, timely updates, and 24/7 support ensure your systems run smoothly, minimising downtime and disruptions to your medical practice.

The IT Department for your business is here

Our IT experts are ready to assist you

Call us at 07 3063 9550, or email info@entratech.com.au